something apropos, i don’t know
It’s a new year and I couldn’t be happier about that. With my wedding as the one notable exception, 2007 was a rough year. No disasters or life-threatening crises, just day after day of getting kicked in the shins. 2008 has to be better.
I really miss blogging. I’d think about posting but then the time would get away from me and the longer I went without writing the more I felt like I’d never be able to catch up on everything that had been going on and so on. But it’s a new year and the important thing is for me to write. Often. Even if some of it is crap, I just need to get it out there. Going without writing takes its toll on me and I’ve been inspired by the joyful, heartfelt writing of others and how much it can move and comfort me.
Having said that, I’m actively looking for a new space to call my own. It’s taken me too long to accept that I’ve been languishing in this spot. Many reasons for that but one example is that when I checked my site meter for the first time in months, I saw that even during weeks of no new posts, the same old unwelcome visitor still comes by. Every single day. I find it incredibly odd that they still care enough to check up on me. Blogstalker much? And I’m tired of the small stupid voice in my head that thinks “I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing when I had a bad day.” So onward ho.
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In the meantime, even as I look for new digs, I’m still here, easing back into writing for the sake of writing. Writing about finding joy in limbo, how my theme song went from "Dancing in the Dark" to "Mushaboom", how big shot MDs are a bit like my former students, and more.
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